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Got A Question?
Were here to answer it!
Our Claw Machine FAQ
How Does The Placement Program Work?
How Does the $100 Placement Bonus Work?
What Types of Businesses Do You Typically Partner With?
How Does the Profit Share Arrangement Function?
How Often Do You Service The Machines To Ensure They Are Filled And Clean?
What Types of Toys and Prizes are Available in the Machine?
Are The Machines Suitable for All Ages?
How Many Machines Do You Currently Have Placed?
Are You Licensed And Insured? What Does This Mean For Me And My Business?
Are The Machines Customizable With The Business's Branding or Logo?
Can Businesses Request Specific Toys or Themes for Their Machines?
Can Businesses Choose Between Weekly or Bi-weekly Service Options?
What Is the Process for Businesses to Get Started With Your Placement Program?
How Much Space is Required to Accommodate a Machine
Do We The Business Owner Have to Provide Anything?
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